Family-Owned Motor Coach
Charter Service
If you have planned a group trip, you want to know that the charter motor coach service you hire is going to get your group to its destination and back safely, promptly and professionally. You also want to feel like you got good value for your money. Prairie Coach Charter Services Ltd. does all of that and more using well-maintained, 57-person deluxe motor coaches driven by professional drivers. We are dedicated to service and driven to excellence. Prairie Coach Charter Services Ltd is a 100% local, family-owned motor coach charter bus company working diligently to provide superior service to the motor coach charter industry in Manitoba. We strive to improve constantly and are proud of our commitment to our customers.
Prairie Coach and COVID-19
Coach Cleaning Procedures
We look forward to providing you with the same great and safe service.
Chartered Services
For all your group travel needs
We're not cut-rate, we're first rate
Prairie Coach has the equipment to provide all charter bus services whether local, regional, national or international. We provide service from Manitoba to anywhere in Canada or the continental USA for all types and sizes of groups and events. Charter quotes available.
Available for group travel for sport teams, school trips, concerts, or corporate events
Sport teams
Associations & Sponsors of:
now serving Freight Service
• Hot Shot Pick-Up and Delivery • Twice-A-Day Service Monday to Friday • Brandon - Winnipeg - Brandon • Western Manitoba and Eastern Saskatchewan Daily • Border Services when necessary on Wednesday • Climate Controlled and Pallet Truck Service

Our Team

Niel Henry